Thursday, September 22, 2005

at least she'll be easy to potty train

One thing unique about Julia is her intolerance of messes. Of her own messes. As soon as she starts pooping, she starts crying. You'd think her poop is combustible -- that its contact with oxygen sparks a chemical reaction resulting in green (they must be green) flames hotter than the sun scorching the tender nether regions of our precious babe. At least, that's what her screaming says. Science says otherwise. But the scientific community is not composed of 2 severly-sleep-deprived mommies justtrying to find some peace. So, though we try to hold her off at least until she's finished filling the diaper, we average about 2 diapers per caustic BM.

So, this night as I'm holding her, she starts the butt-burning wail, and I try, I try so hard to hold out till she's finished. Because it's not like she likes the process of changing her diaper, either. Really, she's miserable either way, so if I can put her off till she's finished I'm no worse a mommy than I was and I only have to deal with poop once. (And for those of you who are whispering infant potty training -- where you hold the baby over the toilet when they need to evacuate their bowels, I'm telling you it doesn't work, the poop just runs down her leg, believe me, I've tried)
Ok, where was I, oh yeah, she's trying to communicate the fact that the poop is dissolving the skin on her butt. Finally, I can take no more. I take her into the nursery and pull her diaper off and am confronted by a sea of dark green. It was everywhere! There was no way I was going to get all of that off with wipes. It was time for the hose. I ran her a bath in the kitchen sink, plopped her in and immediately realized what a bad idea that was when the water turned into poopy soup from the poop on her butt. Then the soup got chunks when she decided to finish evacuating her bowels. I had to reach my hand through the poop soup and pull the plug, then use the dish sprayer to hose her down. But the fianl result was worth it, because she was clean and happy and sweet-smelling, and amenable to photographs. So, for those who stayed with me through this disgusting story, you are rewarded.

Posted by Trista @ 8:38 PM

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Poopy Soup. ROFL!!!!! Holding her over the toilet, and the poop running. It sounds funny, but was not when it happened right? LOL

What cute pictures. She is adore able. She looks so calm and quiet in these pictures.

Ummm... You did use Comet with bleach to clean your sink, right....?

Oh, the adventures in mothering.

Posted by Blogger WendyLou @ 12:41 PM #

More photos, please!

Posted by Blogger Amanda @ 8:15 AM #

She is just gorgeous. I can't wait to meet her in person.

Posted by Blogger Nik @ 3:56 PM #
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