Friday, September 02, 2005

the first milestone?

Julia shed her very first real tears yesterday while she was expressing her emotions over being put in her swing. I cooed over the little streams of liquid pouring out of her eyes and down her cheeks and then switched the swing from back and forth to side to side and walked away. She quieted and we were able to eat dinner with BOTH HANDS.

Other things Julia did yesterday:

Sat in her bouncy chair without crying for 20 minutes.

Played in her Baby Einstein gym for 15 minutes and reached (ok, it may have been accidental) for the hanging ladybug.

Kicked the hanging toys that activate the bouncy chair's music and lights.

Slept on her own (without us holding her) for about 2 hours.

She's getting much better at this being physically seperated from her mommies. Which makes us happy since we didn't want to force her before she was ready into the cold, cruel world of moving through empty space without being surrounded by your mommie. It looks like she will be moving into that world all on her own sooner than we thought.

Posted by Trista @ 6:13 PM