Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Return of the Big Headed Baby

Ok, let's update the stats for all 1 of you eagerly awaiting. Julia had her 4 month check-up on Friday (shots for Christmas, what fun!) and she weighs 13lbs 2 oz. She is now 21.5 inches long. She has more than doubled her birthweight but only gotten 4.5 inches longer. So, she's still chubby and short. She's a little cherub. She's a little cherub with a big head. I think it's because she's so smart (see post below for examples). She is still in the 3% for length, and the 25% for weight, but now her head is in the 75%. 75% of babies have smaller heads than she. And most of those are longer and weigh more. I must say, she hauls her humoungous head around wonderfully. And it's such a cute head. I'm so glad it's big, it's just absolutely perfect.

Posted by Trista @ 10:04 AM