Monday, January 30, 2006

The Unbearable Cuteness of Being

Rosy Cheeks
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
I have posted for your viewing pleasure the results of yesterday's 12 hour photo frenzy that included taking pictures at home as well as at Kiddie Kandids. Various flavors of cuteness abound. But my favorite is this one. It's a bittersweet favor because she looks so grown up here. She could not have been posed like this at any earlier moment in her life. This is the very first of many (I'm certain) pictures of her in this pose. And here is a hint of the change to come in her smile. I'm not certain when babies lose their huge, gummy, whole-face smile, but lose it they do (most of them) and in this picture is a hint of the different smile to come. Hopefully not a self-conscious smile, but a smile that looks less like laughter and more like posing. Beautiful, yes, adorable -- cheek-munching even -- but changed. Older. So I love this picture, both because she looks so cute in it AND because I delight in her growing. But still it pangs a little.

You can see the rest of the pictures at my photostream (find it by cliking on the Flickr thingie in the sidebar). The one of her sitting at the little desk is also particularly cute.

Posted by Trista @ 11:33 AM