Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Yet more pictures of Julia eating
All I can say is: Boy, Julia sure hates peas.
Just kidding. She loves them, but that look was just so precious I had to capture it. Here's a picture of her sucking them off her fingers in between spoonfulls.
And here she is eschewing the spoon altogether and just feeding herself. I'm not kidding. For about 5 minutes she refused the spoon and would only suck her food off her bib. A little gross, thank goodness the impulse passed.
And finally, here's just another funny picture of her in her Bumbo Seat. I call this shot "Bodiless Baby".
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Adorable. Your daughter is quite possibly the cutest baby ever. I will say, though, that sweet potatos take a better picture than peas, no matter how lovely the child smothered in them:)
That first one is precious, though:)