Thursday, February 16, 2006

Valentine's Day

Flower Power
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
We took Julia out to sushi for Valentine's day. Ok, we didn't really feed her sushi, she got rice cereal with tropical fruits. And edamame. And tofu from our miso soups. And she LOVED it all. And while she was there, entertaining herself while her mommies ate their sushi, she showed us a new trick. That flower thing hanging from her car seat has a pull string that buzzes (like a bee) when you pull it. She knows this, and even just a few days ago she would try and try to pull the thing to get it to buzz. She would frustrated she would start yelling at the poor toy, while pulling with all her little might.

Well, at dinner Tuesday, she reached up casually, crinkled the crinkly petals, and then oh-so-nonchalantly yanked the flower down and set the thing to a'buzzin. The whole while grinning up a pride-storm at us.

Obviously she's been practicing when we're not around.

Posted by Trista @ 11:26 AM