Friday, March 17, 2006

She is nothing but happy to comply

The terrible two
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
I asked her to show me her teeth so I could take a picture of them and the obligingly pulled her lower lip down for me!

I just have to tell you that the first tooth? It was easy. Eeeeeeeeeeeasyyyyyyyyyyy. Smooth as butter. We noticed a bump and a day later there was the tooth. The second tooth? The second tooth was a bully. A week of tears and pain and no appetite and fevers and fussiness and drugs. Wonderful wonderful drugs. Oh yeah, and Julia got some tylenol and motrin and anbesol, too.

But it's finally in and just in case you were wondering, those suckers are sharp! She used to pull my finger into her mouth and gum it and it was so cute! Now she pulls my finger into her mouth and bites HARD. It's not so cute anymore. But you know what is cute? The sound she makes scraping those teeth against a zwieback toast or an arrowroot cookie.

Scritch, scritch, scritch and a determined little look just makes my heart melt. Melt I tell you. Just like the arrowroot cookie. I'm a gooey mess all over the floor.

Posted by Trista @ 1:07 PM