Wednesday, May 03, 2006

On the Milestone Front...

Drinking like a big girl...
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
I can't neglect to mention the most important milestone. Julia can now drink from a straw. Very important for her future Slurpee consumption!

This isn't a slurpee, though, it is a Jamba Juice, all frozen fruit and juice, no sherbet or yogurt or icecream. Kristin was feeding it to Julia one strawfull at a time. Doing the thing where you create a little vacuum dropper by putting one finger over the end of the straw. And then Julia, not content with the slow way that Kristin was dropping the nectar into her mouth, started sucking it out. So we stuck the straw back into the cup and let her have at it.

We couldn't be prouder if she'd mixed us up martinis with her own little hands.

Posted by Trista @ 12:35 PM