Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bye, Bye Baby Food

Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
Last night Kristin and I decided that we will be buying no more jars of baby food. Julia is absolutely uninterested in being spoon-fed. Absolutely.

Oh, sometimes she'll consent to letting us give her some oatmeal. Sometimes some fruit. But for the most part unless she's sticking it in her mouth herself, she wants nothing to do with it. This doesn't apply to bottles, of course, those she still wants us to hold for her. But since she only wants a bottle when she's going to sleep for naps or bed, I can see her point.

At this point in her life, Julia eats everything we do. She has 7 teeth now, and enjoys chewing just as much as she enjoys picking things up and sticking them in her mouth. So at dinner time, we simply take what we're eating on the grownup table and cut it up into pieces for her, toss it on her tray (no messing around with plates in our house) and let her at it.

She'll eat anything: Sushi. Pizza. Vindaloo. She loves grapes.
She doesn't care for watermelon. Oh, yes, and she HATES egg yolks. But that's it. 2 things we've found that she doesn't like, a half-million things that she does.

The only things we don't give her are nuts (not till she's 4, and then we'll do so very, very carefully), and bananas and blueberries. Both those last two give her a rash.

It is just so much fun to feed her. To put new things on her plate and watch her gobble them up. We're going to keep up with the diverse diet and continue to introduce as many new things as possible.

So, no more bottles of unappetizing mush for her!

Posted by Trista @ 1:46 PM