Friday, June 23, 2006

Major Milestone

Like a Shark Going in for the Kill
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
She CRAWLS!!!!! The older kids at her daycare were excited to announce for us on Wednesday that JULIA IS CRAWLING. Finally. They've all been crawling around on all fours to try to get her to get the idea of how to do it. But no, she was too content scooting around on her butt. And, really, we were happy that way. She can't go very far that way. She can still get into things we don't want her to get into -- the bookshelves and the magazine rack come to mind -- but she couldn't make it all the way to our railing-less stairs that way.

She wouldn't crawl for us all that night. But last night she was sitting on the living room floor with some scattered toys. And Kristin and I were talking and not paying too much attention when we noticed it. Her tentative crawling to wards a toy. She been getting in the crawling position for weeks now as part of her butt-scooting repertoire. But this was for real.

Of course, as soon as we started paying attention to her she stopped doing it. And as soon as I grabbed the camera she was all done. So, no pictures of the event. This picture is of her pulling up at the beach house on vacation.

Now, we've got to the the stairs guarded by rail and gate (and the rest of our house babyproofed) FAST!!!

Posted by Trista @ 3:15 PM