Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Playing Pigs Ducks
While we were on vacation in Manzanita, Julia's favorite game was called Pigs. See, there were three piglets and they rode on the belly of the mama pig and the game was to pick up all three pigs at once. This kept her entertained for hours, because as soon as she would drop a pig to pick up the third pig, she realized that she still had a pig to pick up. Eventually she decided that holding a pig in her mouth would count, so she tried that. Shortly after this discovery the Oz-dog ate one of her pigs, so the game was over.Last night I was giving Julia a bath and in the tub were the equivalent to the pigs -- three ducklings riding on the back of a mama duck. Julia had taken two of the ducklings off the mama and the mama floated away. Then, while there were still two ducklings in her hand, the mama came floating back, right between Julia's legs. Without pausing Julia bent down and grabbed that final duckling in her mouth and then straightened, the duckling held firmly in her teeth and held and two fists, a duckling in each, up in the air. Ta Daaaaaaaa!
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Smart girl! Brains and beauty ;o)