Monday, August 28, 2006

She likes to freak her mama right out!

Sunday Afternoon, Our House

It was a busy day in The Speckled Frog household. Kristin was at work trying to get ready for her first full week of school, practicum, and work. I was home trying to clean out the basement to get ready for the delivery of a futon as well as to get the office/spare bedroom ready to be made into an office for Kristin. Julia was busy getting everything out that I was putting away -- almost as quickly as I was putting away!

I decided to leave Julia downstairs for a moment while I ran the recycling to the bin. When I got upstairs I saw that our friend, John, was delivering some more sod (he's tearing all the sod out of his back yard just as we're putting sod IN our back yard. Recycled sod, how can you beat that?) so I said hi to him for a moment and then told him that Julia was downstairs so I needed to run. When I went back in the kitchen door, I thought I could hear Julia talking a bit too clearly for her being all the way downstairs. Then I turned toward the very steep staircase just in time to see her appear at the very top step. She was laughing at her success (and probably the stupified look on my face!) I was terrified and relieved all in one fell swoop. The stairs are steep and there's a sharp turn at the top, and at the bottom is a large, cement pillar that supports the house. If she had fallen she could have gone all the way down and cracked her skull or broken her neck on that pillar.

Who taught her how to climb stairs? We didn't think she could do that yet.

Dear lord, now we need to teach her how to go down them...

Posted by Trista @ 9:58 AM