Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Today's post is brought to you by the letter 3

water baby detail
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
Even though Julia wasn't tagged by Noah, I decided that as we get to the end of her first year of life it just might be interesting to see what she'd say to the questions on this meme. So there you go. I am breaking my long-held rule that I will never write as if I were speaking for Julia.

Oh well, it's only the once. And I really do think she'll enjoy reading this when she gets older...

3 Things That Scare Me
1) When Mama tries to play Monster with me and growls at me.
2) When I wake up in the middle of the night and no one is holding me.
3) Um, that’s it. I don’t scare easily at all. Even loud noises don’t bother me. Must have been all that sawing and hammering Grandpa and Mama were doing for such a long time!
3 People That Make Me Laugh
1) You.
2) Them.
3) Everyone I set my eyes on. Life is so amusing.
3 Things I Love
1) Balls.
2) Shutting doors.
3) My mamas.
Things I Hate
1) Waking up absolutely alone.
2) Falling asleep. Why why WHY do I have to take naps and sleep all night? There’s so many other things I could be filling my time with! So many other things to be explored. So many more kisses to give my mamas!
3) Wearing hats. Funny isn’t it, since my mamas make hats and I have a million of them?
3 Things I Don’t Understand
1) Why Oscar always gets up and moves away when I crawl over to him to touch his pretty fur. He doesn’t know that I pull hard; he’s never let me get hold once!
2) See #2 immediately above.
3) Why my mamas get so upset when I play with those bowls of water and little brown pellets. If they didn’t want me to play with them they shouldn’t have put them on the floor for me.
3 Things On My Desk/Table (or in my crib)
1) The pretty afghan that Auntie Lauri made for me.
2) My singing caterpillar.
3) A big rose made out of velvet
3 Things I’m Doing Right Now (I added more because she’s doing such cute things right now)
1) Crawling and pulling up on things.
2) Climbing on everything. I Must. Get. Up!
3) Singing with the radio.
4) Starting the music on my dinosaur or red car and then dancing.
5) Repeating every funny word I hear my mamas say over and over and over and then laughing.
6) Trying to figure out how to stand up on my own in the middle of the floor. I see my mamas do it all the time, but I just can’t quite figure out how they do it.
3 Things I Can Do
1) Play catch with other people.
2) Crawl all over the house without letting go of my ball. (Pad, pad, pad, THUNK. Pad, pad, pad, THUNK)
3) Surprise my mamas by telling them the new words I’m learning every day.
3 Ways to Describe My Personality
1) Easy going.
2) Quick to laughter.
3) Electrifying
3 Things I Can’t Do
1) Walk by myself.
2) Pet Oscar.
3) Climb up on the couch.
3 Things I Think You Should Listen To
1) My singing. I am so good!
2) Flutes.
3) My mamas’ heartbeats
3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To
1) Anyone telling you no – unless you’re listening to how funny they sound.
2) Oscar and Oliver’s barking. They’re loud!
3) Any movie where people are talking quietly. If they were saying something important then they’d be saying it loud enough to hear it over my activity ball.
3 Absolute Favorite Foods
1) String Cheese
2) Nectarines
3) Chocolate ice cream
3 Things I’d Like to Learn
1) How to stand up without help.
2) How to climb anything.
3) How I can arrange my life so that I can be upside down as much as possible.
3 Beverages I Drink Regularly
1) Formula
2) Water
3) Grape flavored water (We juiced our grapes last year and canned the juice and will occasionally add some to water in a sippy cup at meals)

Babies I tag... I don't think any babies read this so I don't think I'll tag anyone!

Posted by Trista @ 3:15 PM

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Is 3 a letter?

Posted by Blogger queermom @ 4:15 PM #

I should really read this more often!

And I am so glad that you got the psychic tag that Noah gave Julia!!! I felt constrained by the silly limit, although I did technically tag 4 babies. I can't explain why I felt the constraint. But I can justify 4 since two were twins.

I loved Julia's answers. Standing in the middle of the room! Eeee!

Posted by Anonymous Anonymous @ 3:17 PM #

what is it about being upside down?

As soon as I pick Malka up (even if she JUST finished dinner), she'll throw her body backwards, hoping that I do the "weeeeee game" - you know, turn the baby upside down and say Weeeeeeeeee - over.and.over.and.over.....

Posted by Blogger Shelli @ 12:41 PM #
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