Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Because Kristin hasn't blogged this yet, but I don't want the story lost
If she ever blogs this, I'll take my version down...
Last friday Kristin picked Julia up from daycare early. One of the little boys there had given Julia one of those gold-foil chocolate coins. Kristin meant to take it away from her, but she must have been hiding it, because Kristin didn't see it and thought Julia had dropped it.
They start driving to Costco. After a few moments Julia starts laughing maniacally. Kristin turns to look at her and is appalled to see that Julia is COVERED in melted chocolate! She had bitten through the gold foil and discovered the (nicely melted from being in her hand) chocolate within. By the time they got to Costco, Julia had chocolate in her hair, all over her clothes, and smeared on every square inch of exposed skin. She hadn't even eaten the foil -- just sucked it clean.
She's a maniac for chocolate.
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Who ISN'T a maniac for chocolate!