Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter 2007

Let Me Get This Straight...
We're not Christian, but we still celebrate Easter as a cultural thing as my parents were raised Mormon and we're soaked in a Christian society. So, Julia got an Easter basket (or wheelbarrow, whatever) yesterday. There was a potato head in it which she loved very much, especially the little set of glasses...
They Don't Fit!

For the afternoon, we packed everyone up and headed out for Grandma and Grandpa's house where everyone was waiting for us to get there so the egg hunt could begin. At first Julia wasn't sure what the big deal was, and then she seemed a bit affronted that WE were expecting HER to pick up SOMEONE ELSE'S mess. (see top picture above). But then she discovered that there was salt water taffy (her favorite candy) in the eggs as well as cars and Care Bears and she got a bit more excited about picking up the eggs... she didn't get any better at finding them, though, and so the hunt mostly consisted of all the adults ranging around and laying eggs out on the grass in plain sight for her to toddle over and pick up and put in her basket (along with egg-shaped rocks). At the very end, Julia did find one egg all on her own under the climbing toy. She was so proud of herself!
The Great Easter Egg Hunt of 2007
you can click on the mosaic to see it bigger, or you can just go here and see the set I made the mosaic from.

Julia had a great Easter. Despite her severe allergies. And despite the rain. And despite the fact that she found out that mama will only let her have ONE piece of salt water taffy in her mouth at a time despite the fact that she CLEARLY demonstrated her ability to hold AT LEAST 3 in her mouth at once.

Posted by Trista @ 11:45 AM