Monday, April 30, 2007

I did it by myself!

I did it by myself!
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.

Julia's been super interested in learning how to dress herself. The other night she sat down determined to teach herself how to put pants on.

Well, she got one leg on, I guess.

Posted by Trista @ 2:30 PM :: (1) comments

Went for a Drive

going for a drive
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.

Now THIS is the way to travel! So much more fun than a regular old stroller. The car that Uncle Kirk and Aunt Sara gave Julia for Christmas finally got taken on a test drive down for some coffee (for Mamas) and crepes (for Julia). She had such a blast we'll definitely be taking the car out again!

Posted by Trista @ 10:51 AM :: (0) comments

Friday, April 27, 2007

Jumping Julia

Originally uploaded by Temmerling.

She's been working on a "true" jump for quite a while now. It started as just a bending of her knees, then it was a bouncing up and down. Then she added going up on her toes after the dip. Finally she started getting one foot up. And then, just this week, both feet off the ground! She can actually get up about six or eight inches and she's SO PROUD of herself for this accomplishment. She just jumps and jumps and jumps around the house.

I think the next thing she's going to work on is skipping.

Posted by Trista @ 2:49 PM :: (0) comments

Julia's First Haircut

What the %$*& is this about?
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.

You wouldn't think she'd need one what with how curly her hair is. But the ends were all dry and damaged at that was making it really hard to comb out, so it was time for a snip snip. Good thing our friend was willing to come to our house last night and do this. And the bonus to Julia being so small? All the hair (except for 2 curls we just had to keep) went down the drain!

She was really patient while her hair was getting cut and didn't cry or pull away once.

Is this going to be much longer?

Chillin' while the Choppin'

Posted by Trista @ 2:32 PM :: (0) comments

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter 2007

Let Me Get This Straight...
We're not Christian, but we still celebrate Easter as a cultural thing as my parents were raised Mormon and we're soaked in a Christian society. So, Julia got an Easter basket (or wheelbarrow, whatever) yesterday. There was a potato head in it which she loved very much, especially the little set of glasses...
They Don't Fit!

For the afternoon, we packed everyone up and headed out for Grandma and Grandpa's house where everyone was waiting for us to get there so the egg hunt could begin. At first Julia wasn't sure what the big deal was, and then she seemed a bit affronted that WE were expecting HER to pick up SOMEONE ELSE'S mess. (see top picture above). But then she discovered that there was salt water taffy (her favorite candy) in the eggs as well as cars and Care Bears and she got a bit more excited about picking up the eggs... she didn't get any better at finding them, though, and so the hunt mostly consisted of all the adults ranging around and laying eggs out on the grass in plain sight for her to toddle over and pick up and put in her basket (along with egg-shaped rocks). At the very end, Julia did find one egg all on her own under the climbing toy. She was so proud of herself!
The Great Easter Egg Hunt of 2007
you can click on the mosaic to see it bigger, or you can just go here and see the set I made the mosaic from.

Julia had a great Easter. Despite her severe allergies. And despite the rain. And despite the fact that she found out that mama will only let her have ONE piece of salt water taffy in her mouth at a time despite the fact that she CLEARLY demonstrated her ability to hold AT LEAST 3 in her mouth at once.

Posted by Trista @ 11:45 AM :: (0) comments

Kid Likes Ketchup

Kid Likes Ketchup
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
Asks for a hot dog, thows said hot dog away, just eats the ketchup. I think there's a pattern here...

Posted by Trista @ 11:14 AM :: (1) comments

Syrup for Breakfast

Syrup for Breakfast
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
I asked her if she wanted French toast for breakfast and she said yes. Then when I gave it to her she tossed the slices aside and just went for the syrup. I should have just put the syrup into a bowl; it would have been easier for her to drink that way...

Posted by Trista @ 11:14 AM :: (1) comments

Favorite Activity Ever.

Favorite Activity Ever.
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
This gives both Grandma and Grandpa heart attacks EVERY TIME. First she climbs up on the arm of the sofa and then she says "I wanna jump" and then she waits until you say "ok" and then she JUMPS off the arm onto the seat. Except her jump is more like a bounce down and then up and then a step off the arm onto the seat. Sometimes she slips off accidentally and thinks she's jumped. She can do this over and over and over and over all. day. long.

Posted by Trista @ 10:57 AM :: (1) comments

Piggies on her Piggies

Piggies on her Piggies
Originally uploaded by Temmerling.
Kristin gave Julia a fancy-schmancy pedicure the other day.

Posted by Trista @ 10:52 AM :: (1) comments